I have been asked many, many times “what is the return of a business service management project / practice”. The answer is honestly, “it depends” on your environment, how much efficiency can be driven into it, how much consolidation, cost of outages, the list goes on. However, I know that is absolutely the answer everyone despises and I can say by NOT tackling a shift from technology to services, it costs you 2% of revenue (at a minimum) every year.
Thus, I put my old analyst hat back on and thought as an analyst what would I do? Create a model by which to calculate and start building out a business case. I have put this basic information into a short presentation and have added it to our resource page. The first link is a streaming slide presentation and the second is a self contained PDF file with sound. The PDF file takes a few minutes to download, but you can share the file as you like.
The objective with this slide show was to bring together the statistics from many analyst papers, provide a simple model and understanding of what it costs you to not manage services. We are at a tipping point this year with agile technology, new deployment options and competitive cost models.
This post goes hand in hand with the previous Featured Post on Finding Your Services. Know how to identify and classify your services for service value. The next in that series will be examples of services and the start of a service catalog.
Let me know your thoughts on this! How are you getting to service value and what does it cost you?
Click Here – This is the streaming slide show and is just over 6 minutes.