The Hub Commentary_
The consumerization of IT is a trend that must be watched and leveraged to grow the business and not cost the business. Good business service management practices would evaluate each service for business value and thus cost, in this case support costs. Just because an employee makes the capital expenditure does not dictate the business should support it.
There are data protection concerns and security challenges that must also be factored in also adding to the cost. What is the business value of the service is the basic question. Just because a device is available and in the environment does not necessarily mean the business should support it within the IT organization.
The real question would be how to interact with your customers through new devices and channels rather than supporting your employees.
Do you support your customers or your employees Smart phone?
Forrester Research said most IT managers and vendors are underestimating the need for corporate mobile solutions because they ignore mobile “wannabes” and mobile “mavericks.” (Read Full Article…)