I have posted a couple of new posts on NetIQ’s Qmunity and wanted to share here as well. IT is under great Transformation to get to Service Brokers who can manage Service Governance. This is the convergences of Development, Operations and Security functions within IT. In the first post I discuss the convergence and the second post is on the topic of Service Governance and new research from Forrester.
Overhauling Service Management – Developing, Operating and Securing
Previously I posted, “Why Service Management” discussing the melding of IT and the business for common objectives in managing, measuring and communicating service performance. The recent Gartner Infrastructure and Operations Management Summit (IOM) also provoked the status quo of IT Operations andCameron Haight began to challenge and discuss a new term, DevOps, where development and operations are more closely aligned. The post event Trip Report provides a glimpse into the many thought provoking challenges and discussions of the week. continue reading…
Communicating Service Performance – Beware of the Competition
We’ve discussed service management and the transformation that IT is undergoing with the catalysts being the cloud, service providers, SaaS, social media, collaboration, mobility, BYOD, etc. The root catalyst is choice and options in the market and the competition speaks in terms of service value and service performance. I posted a question in LinkedIn regarding how much of your services are in the cloud today and expected to be next year? Join the discussion. The first answer was as I expected, a law firm that isn’t in the cloud and isn’t going there because of security concerns. I responded as I bet they use services that are internet based, research likely, and thus they are in the cloud. Just like a recent customer discussed having hundreds of apps in the cloud that now need to be reconciled, rationalized and managed for cost. How did they get this point? Easy, credit card subscriptions – cheap and easy to do business with. continue reading….