Category | Business Service Management Articles
Posted on 16 March 2011
I had a meeting with a customer the other day which was centered on virtualization and private cloud and a funny thing happened: it morphed into a Business Service Management (BSM) discussion. The discussion got me trying to put my arms around “BSM in a virtual environment” and what it means.
Tags: Availability, Best Practices, Business Service Management, Performance, Service Value, Virtualization
Posted on 16 March 2011
In order to understand the impact of cloud computing on your organization, you need to understand the different types of cloud computing and how each one could affect your ability to monitor these services for your organization.
Tags: Business Service Management, Cloud Computing, Enterprise IT, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Posted on 15 March 2011
At a time when it’s a crucial communications channel, remarkably Japan’s internet backbone continues to operate in spite of the conditions on the ground.
Tags: Disasters, Internet, Japan, Keynote Systems, Monitoring
Posted on 13 March 2011
It’s easy to think that cost transparency benefits users more than IT, but both sides benefit when costs are laid out in a clear way.
Tags: Business Service Management, Costs, IT, Private Cloud, Service Model
Posted on 10 March 2011
As your computing environment grows increasingly heterogeneous, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage. Business Service Management can help.
Tags: BSM, Business Service Management, Cloud Computing, Enterprise IT, IT
Posted on 08 March 2011
Get the most out of virtualizing your desktops while still maintaining control to service and support the end user by applying business service management practices.
Tags: Business Service Management, IT Management, Service Model, Service Value, VDI
Posted on 07 March 2011
In many of my business service management posts I’ve spoken about right sizing your service responses and not all services are created equal. After reading Ken’s post on the BSM Review and the Monday I have had, I think that my comments might not be interpreted as I intended them.
Tags: Business Service Management, Service Providers, Service Quality, Service Value
Posted on 06 March 2011
When got a $48 boost from venture capitalists, it might have signaled that enterprise software is about change in a big way.
Tags:, BSM, Business Service Management, Cloud, collaboration, Enterprise IT
Posted on 04 March 2011
Microsoft was showing off a cloud monitoring tool created using Silverlight during the CeBIT conference last week.
Tags: BSM, Business, Business Service Management, Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Personal computer, Servers, Windows Intune
Posted on 03 March 2011
Microsoft Windows Intune, a new cloud- and web-based PC monitoring tool is helping bring Business Service Management concepts into the mainstream.
Tags: BSM, Business, Business Service Management, Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Microsoft Security Essentials, Microsoft Windows, Personal computer, Windows Intune
Posted on 28 February 2011
Here is a humorous take on on a top 10 Business Service Management Implementation Best Practices, we’ve all been there and we hope you see the humor and best practices as a result:
Tags: Best Practices, Business Service Management
Posted on 24 February 2011
VDI provides lots of advantages for IT, but when used in combination with BSM, it can give you the full view of the network and underlying services to keep things running smoothly across the network.
Tags: BSM, Business Service Management, Enterprise IT, Monitoring, Networking, VDI
Posted on 19 February 2011
After a week of bad news about IT jobs, it might not be an exaggeration to suggest that future of IT could lie in monitoring using Business Service Management (BSM).
Tags: BSM, Business Service Management, Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, IT, VDI
Posted on 17 February 2011
One of the advantages of private cloud computing is the ability to charge back for exactly the levels of service used, but your internal customers are so going to want some assurances and proof that your system is operating at full capacity.
Tags: Business Service Management, Chargebacks, Cloud, Monitoring, Private Cloud, Utility Computing
Posted on 16 February 2011
When you’re staring at network monitoring equipment all day, it’s easy to forget that there are real people behind those lights who depend on these services to get their jobs done. When services go down, even for a little while, it can have a major impact on productivity.
Tags: Availability, Business Service Management, Gmail, Intuit, IT, Monitoring, Networking, Outages, Skype
Posted on 15 February 2011
As your company establishes both public and private cloud services, it’s going to be more crucial that you have ways to monitor this hybrid cloud because if something goes wrong, end users won’t care about the source of the service — only that it’s not working.
Tags: Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Monitoring, Private Cloud, Public Cloud
Posted on 14 February 2011
As a marketeer and IT professional, I’m not sure I see the connection between IT and social media unless the infrastructure is set up inside a business. I say this as someone who has spent a great deal of time in recent months both studying and deploying inbound marketing via social media technologies. As a business service management practice it relates in driving growth for the business, internally the technologies are useful in driving collaboration and efficiency, but only if there is value to the business for the objective of the practice.
Tags: Business Service Management, IT Management, Pink Elephant, Service Value, Social Media, Transformation
Posted on 10 February 2011
I’ve seen a bit in the news about support, the consumerization of devices in the workplace and virtual desktop infrastructures that has brought this post together. We seem to ebb and flow with new toys in the workplace and standardization of support. The plain truth is that the standard environment is the most cost efficient. If the role did not dictate that a given device be provided by the company to the individual, why would we assume we must support it? I understand it did not come with a capital expenditure and made the employee accessible, if they choose to be, however, it does carry a significant cost burden that is often overlooked.
Tags: Business Service Management, CIO, Cost Reduction, IT Management, IT Management Tools, SaaS, Support, Transformation, VDI
Posted on 09 February 2011
Business service management practices are about understanding your costs and the value of services to the business so that IT manages as services appropriately. I can hardly read an article these days that isn’t cloud or as-a-Service related. I enjoy these and the transformation it is driving as it is long over due for most IT organizations. When I wore an analyst hat and I would field inquiry calls regarding outsourcing, I would always start by saying you don’t outsource for cost savings. I find these days with the flexible payment and contract options that we are being short sided and seeing these offerings as the low cost option.
Tags: Business Service Management, Change, Cost Reduction, IT Management, Service Providers, Sourcing, Support, Transformation
Posted on 08 February 2011
There were some funny commercials and some not so funny commercials during the Super Bowl. The one with Ozzie and Beiber was kind of funny, but I question…
Tags: BSM, Business Alignment, Business Service Management, IT Management, Service Level